Best Plants to Choose for Rental Properties: Drought-Resistant and Durable Options

Plants can improve curb appeal, reduce maintenance costs, and create a welcoming atmosphere for tenants. Environmentally conscious property managers may choose drought-resistant varieties for dry climates or water conservation, as they require minimal care and are ideal for rental properties with less frequent maintenance visits.

Succulents are excellent choices when it comes to plants that can withstand drought. Succulent species like aloe, agave, and sedum species store water within their thick leaves to enable survival even under dry conditions. Their versatility also makes them suitable for outdoor spaces ranging from patios up to garden beds; succulents add visual interest without needing intensive care or watering needs.

Ornamental grasses like blue fescue and fountain grass are versatile additions to any landscape, tolerant of drought, adding movement and texture, and thriving in poor soil. They require minimal irrigation and only require annual trimming to remove dead leaves. These grasses can serve as borders, fill spaces, or provide a natural backdrop for other plants.

Lavender, a drought-resistant plant, is ideal for rental properties due to its attractive flowers and low maintenance. It thrives in full sunlight, and well-draining soil, and requires occasional pruning for shape maintenance. It attracts bees, butterflies, and pollinators, making it suitable for areas with wildlife like deer.

Yucca plants are tropical plants with dramatic architecturally shaped leaves that add drama to landscapes during dry months and tall flower spikes in summer. They thrive in difficult soil conditions and require minimal maintenance, such as occasional watering or trimming of dead leaves, making them ideal for rental properties where landscaping care is not a top priority.

Native plants can create drought-proof, attractive landscapes by adapting to local soil and climate conditions. Sagebrushes, yuccas, and manzanitas are suitable for Southwest US locations, while beach grass and sea lavender are suitable for coastal locations. Property managers can create sustainable landscaping by selecting native plant varieties from available options, such as beach grass or sea lavender, which are well-adapted to sandy soils with salt exposure.

As part of selecting plants for rental property landscaping, consideration must be given to design and layout. Water usage can be minimized by grouping drought-tolerant plants into designated zones to decrease consumption. Mulch helps retain soil moisture which reduces the frequency of irrigation needs while drip irrigation systems deliver water directly to roots reducing evaporation waste and providing your plants with sufficient hydration with minimum wastage.

Renters can reap many advantages by selecting drought-resistant and durable plants for their landscaping, including water conservation, ease of maintenance, and reduced utility costs. Tenants who opt for drought-tolerant landscaping that remains attractive even during drought conditions will experience greater tenant satisfaction, retention, and property value appreciation.

Rental properties should feature durable, drought-resistant plants like succulents, ornamental yuccas, grasses, natives like lavender yuccas, and low-maintenance natives like succulents. These plants thrive in adverse conditions and can be easily integrated into landscape designs for sustainable outdoor areas, benefiting both property owners and tenants.