Tips to Keep Appliances Working Smoothly in Your Rental Home

Large appliances such as dishwashers, refrigerators, washers, and dryers are essential elements in a rental property’s infrastructure, providing tenants with convenience and functionality. Unfortunately, such expensive components can become very costly to replace or repair over time without proper care and upkeep; take note of these tips to extend their longevity while cutting unnecessary expenses.

Regular Cleaning

To prevent dirt, dust, and debris from building up and negatively affecting their performance, large appliances need to be regularly cleaned with mild detergent and warm water to remove dirt, dust, and debris that accumulates over time. Any food debris should also be immediately cleared off any surfaces within or on their exteriors before moving forward with cleaning operations.

Proper Ventilation

To avoid overheating, ensure that all large appliances, like washers and dryers, have adequate ventilation. Air circulation should be achieved by leaving enough space around appliances; clean your filters and vents regularly to maximize airflow.


For optimal vibration reduction and early wear prevention, keep large appliances at an equal height. Checking balance using a level and making necessary adjustments, you may adjust leveling feet as necessary will also help.

Refrigerator Maintenance

Clean out the coils regularly to eliminate dust or debris that could reduce its efficiency, replacing seals on doors that show signs of wear when necessary will create tight seals that reduce energy loss by keeping temperature stable inside and minimizing energy waste.

Washer and Dryer

Once every use, ensure to clean out the lint filter in your dryer to reduce lint accumulation that could potentially spark fires. Also periodically inspect washing machine hoses for wear or damage and replace them if any exhibit signs of wear such as cracks and tears to reduce leakages and ensure the efficiency of use.

Dishwasher Tips

Utilize a dishwashing cleaner regularly to maintain optimal performance from your dishwasher. Avoid overloading it as doing so could place added strain and reduce its lifespan significantly.

Appliance Manuals

Consult the instructions in your manual for optimal care and maintenance practices to extend its longevity and ensure optimal performance and functionality. Manufacturers typically offer advice to ensure maximum performance and lifespan from their appliances.


Maintain your large appliances regularly by engaging a qualified technician for professional maintenance services. Such specialists can identify potential issues early and take measures to address them before becoming serious, thus prolonging the lifespan of your appliances and increasing their life span.

Energy Efficiency

When selecting new large appliances for your rental property, be sure to select energy-efficient models. Not only are energy-efficient appliances more cost effective but their longer lifespan and durability make them even better choices.

Regular care and maintenance of large appliances is necessary to extend their lifespan while cutting repair costs, so following these tips will enable landlords to ensure their appliances continue running effectively for many years to come.